8 Unusual and Genius Cleaning Hacks

May 25, 2021

Picture of Claire Hebert

Claire Hebert

There are a lot of cleaning tips and tricks that help you clean your home more efficiently, and some of those might sound a bit odd, making you question if they even work. However, as weird as they sound, they can be very useful, especially if you’ve run out of cleaning supplies.

It’s easy to find a reliable company in Lafayette that provides thorough cleaning services. But, it’s also interesting and exciting to try out new and unusual tricks all on your own. Read on to find out more about great cleaning hacks!

What are great cleaning hacks?

To make your cleaning routine quicker, but also more interesting and creative, why not incorporate some new and exciting cleaning tricks into your efforts? Have a look at these 8 uncommon cleaning hacks:

Use Cola to clean the kettle

In case you have no cleaning products at hand, pour a can of coke in your electric kettle. Bring the coke to a boil and empty it in the sink after 5 minutes. Presto – your kettle is clean and shiny again!

Save your burnt pan

If you have a burnt pan, there’s an easy way to clean it. All you need to do is pour some dish soap, a cup or two of hot water and add one or two dryer sheets, depending on the size of the pan. Let it sit for about 1 hour and then wash it. The result will amaze you!

Remove stains with WD-40

If you have a nasty stain on your rug, this must-have of every home will help you remove it without breaking a sweat. Soak the stain by spraying WD-40 on it, and let it sit for 5 minutes. Use a clean cloth to wipe it off, and that’s it! This also works efficiently on blood stains if you act quickly enough.

Get a clean cutting board

To give a thorough rinse to your cutting board, rub a lemon over the board making sure to cover the entire surface. Sprinkle some salt over it, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wash it off, and you’ll have a clean and fresh cutting board!

Deal with burnt-on grease

If there’s a build-up of burnt-on grease in your oven, make a paste using water and baking soda, and cover the whole area with it. Spray vinegar on top, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Use a sponge to wipe it off, and your oven is as good as new!

Clean your ceiling fan using a pillowcase

If you want to dust your ceiling fan easily and quickly, you can simply slip a pillowcase over one fan blade at a time and wipe. This will prevent the dust from falling on floors and furniture.

Take care of blinds with socks

If you take an old sock and put it on your hand, you’ll be able to clean your blinds in no time. Just spray some water on the sock, then grip a panel and remove the dust by sliding from one side to the other.

Use baby wipes on fabrics

Baby wipes are great for removing stains from different kinds of fabric. They have very gentle cleaning agents, contain little moisture, and they dry quickly, which makes them very effective.

Where in Lafayette can I find reliable cleaning services?

lafayette cleaning service If you want to make every room in your house spick and span, or to upgrade your cleaning methods, we at Geaux Maids of Lafayette are the right people for you! We boast well-trained, insured, and bonded cleaners, who provide excellent cleaning services.

Instead of spending an afternoon cleaning, pay an exciting visit to Cypress Lake, and let us do the cleaning for you. We will ensure your home is clean, fresh, and healthy for you and your family to live in. Reach out to us today!

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