It can occasionally happen that your Airbnb contains an unwanted odor left behind by your guests. Sometimes it’s easy to identify the source of it, but at other times you can’t really tell where it’s coming from. Luckily, there are natural ways that can help your property smell nice again.
To eliminate any bad odor, you can play safe by giving your Airbnb a thorough clean up. With a lot of dependable companies in Lafayette, LA, you can easily find an Airbnb cleaning service that suits your needs. But, if you take a look at the following tips on how to naturally get rid of odors, you can make your place smell fresh again on your own. Read on.
How do I remove odors from my Airbnb?
If you know what’s causing the bad smell in your Airbnb, you can go straight to removing it. But, if you’re not sure where it comes from, you should check the following list one by one and remove the source once you find it.
Trash can
Even if it’s empty, the trash can may still contain traces of what’s been in it, and these are sometimes invisible but stubborn. To properly sanitize it and get rid of any potential source of bad odor, you can scrub it with a pastelike mix of water and baking soda.
There are a couple of places where the bad smell might come from in your bathroom, but the main source is usually the toilet. You can freshen it up in two ways:
- By scrubbing the inside with a mix of water and baking soda.
- By soaking paper towels in sweet soda, placing them along the toilet rim and letting them sit for at least 20 minutes.
Another potential source is the shower curtain. Simply throw it in your washer and add ½ cup of white vinegar.
Washing machine
Although it cleans your clothes, the washing machine can also catch odors. To sanitize it and make it fresh again, put one cup of baking soda in the detergent compartment and one cup of white vinegar in the fabric softener compartment. Run the cycle at the highest temperature, and you’ll get rid of any odors in no time.
Drains are frequently overlooked in the cleaning process, but they are another place where smells gather easily. You can mix ½ cup of baking soda and ½ cup of squeezed lemon juice, apply it onto your drain and let sit for about 20 minutes. For a deep clean, you can pour 1 tablespoon of baking soda into the drain, followed by 1 cup of white vinegar. Let it work for about 10 minutes, then run warm water.
Cigarette smoke particles get easily attached to everything, so you’ll have to take several steps to get rid of it completely. Here’s what to do:
- Open all doors and windows and switch on any ventilation systems to get maximal airflow.
- Place bowls of white vinegar or baking soda around the area. These will soak up the particles from the air.
- Sprinkle your carpets with baking soda, leave it for 2 hours, and then vacuum.
Where in Lafayette, LA can I book an excellent Airbnb cleaning service?
Whether you’re looking for the best way to declutter your Airbnb, or you need to give your place a detailed clean up, Geaux Maids of Lafayette is the company you’re looking for. We provide every single client with excellent cleaning services thanks to our professional cleaners who always go out of their way to meet your needs. Take your time to spend a lovely day at the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, and we’ll make sure your Airbnb is sparkling clean. Call now!