Move Out Cleaning Essentials: How to Always Get Your Deposit Back

October 14, 2019

Picture of Claire Hebert

Claire Hebert

The world is full of unscrupulous landlords who would jump at any opportunity to hold onto your initial deposit. In fact, many of them count on you being uninformed about your rights as a tenant, especially when it comes to what constitutes normal wear and tear.

Don’t let yourself be taken for a ride. By having your old home expertly cleaned by a reputable move out cleaning service in Lafayette LA, you’ll make it next-to-impossible for your landlord to find an excuse to withhold your deposit.

In previous articles, we gave you a top-notch checklist for move out cleaning and explained whether your landlord can charge you for cleaning. Now we’ll look answer some common move out cleaning questions and clarify what the term “normal wear and tear” exactly stands for. Read on.

What’s considered normal wear and tear for rental?What's considered normal wear and tear for rental

Nothing is indestructible and nothing lasts forever. No matter how responsible you are, the items you use on a daily basis will eventually break down. An example would be a shirt that loses a little bit of its color and solidity with each washing. If you wear it long enough, even a top-quality shirt will fall apart.

Homes are no different. Years of use will eventually result in cracked floorboards, chafed furniture, frayed carpets, cracked floorboards, and so on. This is called “normal wear and tear”, and it’s the opposite of “excessive tenant damage”. The latter happens when a tenant damages the rental property through negligence and abuse.

Examples of normal wear and tear include:

  • Faded paint.
  • Slightly faded or torn wallpaper.
  • Faded lamp or window shades.
  • Small cracks and light smudges on the wall.
  • Shower mold caused by the absence of proper ventilation.
  • Carpet faded or worn thin from walking.
  • Scuffed varnish on wooden floors (caused by regular use).
  • Doors sticking as a result of humidity.
  • Scratched or worn enamel in old toilets, sinks, and bathtubs.
  • Rusted shower rod.
  • Loose bathroom tiles and grouting.
  • Worn gaskets on fridge doors.
  • Worn varnish on plumbing fixtures.
  • Black spots on bathroom mirror (de-silvering).

Examples of excessive tenant damage include:

  • Gaping wall holes caused by abuse or neglect.
  • Unprofessional paint jobs.
  • Drawings or crayon marks on the walls.
  • Burns, stains, and holes in the carpet.
  • Stained, missing, or torn window and lamp shades.
  • Ripped off door hinges.
  • Broken doors.
  • Windows broken by tenants or their guests.
  • Shower mold caused by a lack of regular cleaning.
  • Cracked or missing bathroom tiles.
  • Mirrors caked with makeup and lipstick.
  • Broken or chipped enamel in toilet, sinks, and bathtub.
  • Broken fridge shelves.
  • Dented fridge exterior.

Do I have to pay for carpet cleaning when I move out Do I have to pay for carpet cleaning when I move out?

It depends. As decreed by the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, your landlord can’t charge you for routine carpet cleaning unless it’s specifically stated in the lease. Sometimes, these leases can include carpet cleaning as a part of move in cleaning.

However, if the carpet is dirty as a result of excessive tenant damage (such as spills, urine stains, an unusual amount of dirt, etc.), then the tenant will be required to cover the costs of the cleaning.

Where can I find a superb move out cleaning service in Lafayette LA?

Moving is always stressful and time-consuming. If you can’t find the energy or the time to perform an in-depth move out cleaning, or if you’d rather use that time to attend to other responsibilities or just relax at the Acadian Village, then Geaux Maids of Lafayette is the service for you.

Book a cleaning today using our super-fast online booking system, and take full advantage of our unrivaled cleaning pros and our 100% satisfaction guarantee. We can’t wait to meet you.

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