How to Clean Your Kitchen Like a Pro in 5 Easy Steps

December 15, 2020

Picture of Claire Hebert

Claire Hebert

When it comes to cleaning and disinfection, the kitchen is probably the single most important area in most people’s homes. After all, it’s where you store, prepare, and possibly also eat most of your food, and where you keep and wash your eating utensils.

As a result, properly sanitizing your kitchen is crucial in order to protect yourself and your family not just from the coronavirus pandemic, but also from the majority of other household microbes, fungi, and parasites. It’s so important that, if you can’t find the time to do it yourself, you should hire a cleaning company in Metairie to do it for you.

But how do you achieve these high standards of cleanliness? We’re glad you’re asked because we’re about to give you a 5-step kitchen cleaning guide that will help you ensure your kitchen stays spotless and germ-free all year long. Read on!

How frequently should I clean and disinfect my kitchen?

As a general rule, kitchens should be given a regular cleaning at least once per week. However, if you eat or cook your meals in the kitchen every day, you’ll almost certainly end up with stains and messes that should be cleaned right away.

Here’s a typical kitchen cleaning:

  • Remove stains
  • Clean sinks and faucets
  • Gather food crumbs
  • Wash dishes (or run the dishwasher)
  • Mop and vacuum the floor
  • Wipe down the stovetop and countertops
  • Throw away food that’s past its expiry date
  • Empty the trash can and replace the lining

How to clean a kitchen step-by-step?

How to clean a kitchen step-by-step

You’ll need the following cleaning supplies: warm water, dishwashing soap, an EPA-approved household disinfectant (or diluted bleach), paper towels, cleaning rags, a spray bottle, a mop, a vacuum cleaner, and a bucket.

Once you have your supplies, follow these 5 kitchen cleaning steps:

1. Stovetop and countertops

Wash down the countertops and the stovetop with soap and clean water, and then dry them using paper towels. Both surfaces should be allowed to dry completely before being used again.

2. Disinfect kitchen surfaces

Throw open the windows, grab your household disinfectant, and apply it in accordance with the guidelines on the bottle. Keep the windows open until the surfaces have dried completely.

3. Take care of cutting boards

Any surfaces that come into contact with raw meat need to be cleaned with soap and hot water as soon as you’re done using them. Once cleaned, they need to be disinfected. Alternatively, you can put them in the dishwasher and use the warmest setting.

4. Make sure the fridge is clean

Any spills, stains, or food crumbs inside the fridge should be dealt with immediately, or they may end up rotting and contaminating other edibles inside your fridge. Clean them using soap, water, and paper towels.

5. Clean the floor

Once you’re done vacuuming the kitchen floor, get your bucket and create a bleach solution (1 cup of bleach and 5 gallons of water). Mop the floors using a cleaning product, and then mop them again with the bleach solution. Thoroughly wring out the mop before applying the bleach solution.

Where can I find the leading cleaning company in Metairie?

Is your bedroom in need of a deep cleaning? Maybe a family gathering has left you with a messy living room, or perhaps you simply don’t have the time to clean your bathroom as well as you should? At Geaux Maids of Metairie, we can help you with all that and more!

As the top provider of cleaning services in Metairie that’s fully licensed by the state of Louisiana, we boast the experience, the know-how, and the state-of-the-art equipment necessary to render truly exceptional cleanings. We’ll happily take care of your cleaning needs while you relax at the LaSalle Park with your friends and loved ones. Contact us today!

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